Davis & Davis
[Childish Things & Small Talents]
Davis & Davis are a husband-and-wife professional photographic team based
in Los Angeles. Their work is in the collection of the Brooklyn Museum of Art,
the Ulrich Museum of Art, California State University Los Angeles, California
State Polytechnic University Panoma, Cypress College and the Kinsey
Research Institute, as well as many private collections.
KYFA have been privileged to exhibit the first Davis & Davis solo show in
Japan since November. We are having an end of the year gallery event along
with the closing of the Davis & Davis exhibit in Tokyo. This will be the last
chance to see the major showing in Tokyo. Details are below.
2009.12.12 SAT 17:00-21:00 (reception)
2009.12.13 SUN 12:00-17:00
(Appointment only after the above dates until 12/17.)
Childish Things
The Childish Things series
established the creative style
of Davis & Davis. Using dolls
and toys that have been
discarded and acquired at
flea markets, Davis & Davis
creates unusual situations
that bring back memories of
childhood with a twist.
Davis & Davis Page
Small Talents
With the Small Talents series,
Davis & Davis create
situations where average dolls
can do extraordinary things.
kenji yokoo fine arts
パシフィックタワー麻布十番 2203
Tel: 090-2420-0412
e-mail: k_yokoo@yahoo.com
Kenji Yokoo
Pacific Tower Azabu-Juban 2203
1-1-12 Mita Minato-ku,
Tel: 090-2420-0412
e-mail: k_yokoo@yahoo.com