Davis & Davis
[Childish Things & Small Talents]

Davis & Davis are a husband-and-wife professional photographic team based
in Los Angeles. Their work is in the collection of the Brooklyn Museum of Art,
the Ulrich Museum of Art, California State University Los Angeles
, California
State Polytechnic University Panoma, Cypress College
and the Kinsey
Research Institute
, as well as many private collections.

KYFA have been privileged to exhibit the first Davis & Davis solo show in
Japan since November. We are having an end of the year gallery event along
with the closing of the Davis & Davis exhibit in Tokyo. This will be the last
chance to see the major showing in Tokyo. Details are below.

2009.12.12 SAT 17:00-21:00 (reception)
2009.12.13 SUN 12:00-17:00
(Appointment only after the above dates until 12/17.)
Childish Things

The Childish Things series
established the creative style
of Davis & Davis. Using dolls
and toys that have been
discarded and acquired at
flea markets, Davis & Davis
creates unusual  situations
that bring back memories of
childhood with a twist.  

Davis & Davis Page
Small Talents

With the Small Talents series,
Davis & Davis create
situations where average dolls
can do extraordinary things.
All rights reserved.
kenji yokoo fine arts
パシフィックタワー麻布十番 2203
Tel: 090-2420-0412
e-mail: k_yokoo@yahoo.com
Kenji Yokoo
Pacific Tower Azabu-Juban 2203
1-1-12 Mita Minato-ku,
Tel: 090-2420-0412
e-mail: k_yokoo@yahoo.com